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Resource Page

Welcome to the all-in-one guide for KikoBot C1! Whether you’re just getting started or looking to dive deeper into its capabilities, this collection has everything you need. It’s designed to make your robotics journey smooth and exciting. Let’s explore and unlock all the possibilities KikoBot C1 has to offer!

Official LinksKikoBot RoboticsExplore the official website of KikoBot Robotics.Kikobot Robotics
KikoBot C1Learn about the KikoBot C1 cobot.Kikobot C1
Buy KikoBot C1Purchase the KikoBot C1 cobot directly.Buy Kikobot C1
Setup & GuidesKikoBot ManualComprehensive guide to set up, configure, and optimize the KikoBot C1 cobot.
Ubuntu ISOOfficial Ubuntu ISO for creating the development environment.Ubuntu ISO
ROS2 EcosystemROS2 HumbleDocumentation for ROS2 Humble.ROS2 Humble
ROS2 MoveItMoveIt module configuration and documentation for motion planning.ROS2 Moveit
ROS2 RVizRViz module setup for simulation and visualization.ROS2 RViz
SoftwareKikoBot Studio C1Specialized software for programming and managing the KikoBot C1 cobot.
Development FilesURDF FileDefine and simulate KikoBot C1’s structure in ROS2.
3D CAD ModelsAccess official 3D CAD models for design and simulation.
ROS2 MoveIt ConfigPreconfigured MoveIt files for KikoBot C1.
ROS2 RViz ConfigReady-to-use RViz configuration files for simulation.
HardwareST3215 MotorLearn about the motor used in the KikoBot C1 cobot.ST3215 Motor